Saturday, June 2, 2012

Samsung, smartphones and Indian scene.

The thing that provoked me into writing this piece is an article in Android Police and its corresponding discussion on Google Plus, where I posted my view on how Samsung declined to release the Galaxy Nexus in India and how Galaxy S3, which it touted as a better alternative to the Nexus device is overpriced and not exactly what many of us Android enthusiasts would want.
People replied that I was 'bitching'(sic) about the cost and that all un-subsidized phones cost high when released. Personally I feel I might be off-topic or that I failed at making myself clear. Hence this post. This comes from someone who is frustrated by the way Mobile companies in general, and Samsung in particular, treats Indian consumers.

Let me elaborate my point:

HTC Nexus One was released very late and very limited in India and even then it wasn't the same that was released in US. They said that India that time wasn't smartphone friendly. But then since January 2010, times have changed. A lot of smart-phones have come and gone. Some have been very successful and some others not. In general smartphones have been very well received by the consumers and have been promoted by service providers. But the one type of smartphones which have not been sold to Indian consumers have been the Nexus devices.
As stated above hardly anyone was able to buy Nexus One. And that was not because people were not able to buy them, but because they just weren't available much. The next Nexus, i.e. Nexus S was also initially not released in India. But was then a stripped down version of it was sold, again, a very limited release. My friend tried getting one for himself but couldn't. It went out of stock.

Then came the turn of the latest and greatest  Nexus yet, The Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It was supposed to release in January. Then March. And finally, as mentioned above, it was never released.
I have a small theory as to why these companies are reluctant to widely release these Nexus devices in India. Its because they don't want the Indian consumers to 'taste' the pure stock Android experience. They fear that if the consumers get used to Nexus then they won't return to their crappy skins. This theory makes these companies complete ass-holes and morons, because they are limiting the choice of their consumers and thrusting those crappy skins compulsorily down our throat.

About the price:

While declining to release the G-Nexus, Samsung reasoned that instead, it will release the Galaxy S3 in India. And they lived up to that promise. Releasing the GS3 on 31st May 2012 at a cost of Rs 43,000 ($770). Had they used a Super AMOLED plus HD display and went with a ceramic cover that cost might still seem good. But not with plastic. Hell No!
Now let me put this into perspective, Samsung Galaxy S3 is the second most costliest phone ever to be sold in India. The first, of-course, being the Iphone 4S. Its definitely the costliest Android. And Android is supposed to be free.
India is a volume market. Companies have always sold products at lesser profit and compensated that by high volumes. Nokia did it. Blackberry is doing it. Samsung used to do it but with SGS3 it seems has changed its strategy. Apple on the other hand went elite, thus making profit on those very few devices they sold in India. But then its Apple, it can get away with anything.
Let me be fare, GS3 was the most awaited phone in a long time because S2 and S before that were huge success. They were definitely the most selling Android phone the world over.
Even in India they sold a lot of them. I have seen a lot of people many of them being my friends, using them, in the trains, in the malls, everywhere.
But their perception was still that they are second-best to the Iphones. Mind you, it was just a popular perception. And they were a great deal for people. They got a phone which was better than Iphone at a lower cost than the Iphone. It was their USP.
But with GS3 being priced as much as Iphone, I think it has lost it. Its still is better than Iphone IMO, but not cost-worthy. The clientèle which Apple catered to throughout the Iphone releases were the people who would never buy anything beyond Apple devices. No matter how much they cost they would buy themselves a Apple. Samsung, no matter what it thinks of itself, does not have that kind of following. The people who would purchase Samsung products might as well go with something else if it provides them with the same functionality at that price-point.
I am not implying that those who go for cheaper Androids instead of Iphones are cheap people. But instead they are more informed consumers who know how their money will be better spent. I think this time around their research will lead them to the HTC OneX. Which I feel will be a fitting punishment by the consumers to Samsung for behaving in the most high-handed manner.

In conclusion I might be wrong. SGS3 would still might sell gazillions of these devices and make immense profit from them but something might change forever this time around. Samsung might not be same old company we consumers would go to find a product which suited our needs, likes and dislikes at a price-point we were comfortable with. It would have become another Apple!

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